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“A lot of times they said that they wanted to help me but actually they wanted me to do ‘something’ with them. Luckily I had a crazy boyfriend who ended up being my husband. He just shot them down.
“If you are really talented and good at what you do and you have God behind you, don’t give in to that kind of temptation. I guarantee you that your talent will make a way for you.
“The same people will be the ones calling and you will even get more than you ever imagined if you don’t give in,” she added.
"He just said he was all right and he made it out of the truck."
"He got out of his truck, he got in the bed of his truck, he got back out, on top of his truck, and then all of the sudden he got back in his truck.
"And like maybe 10, 15 minutes after he was in his truck, it just flipped and he topsided into the water."May his soul rest in peace.