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Tens of Thousands of people Mourn fifty eight Million Abortions as they March for 'Life'

Thanks to a massive snowstorm threatening to dump at least two feet of snow on the  nation’s capital, the March for Life did not break any attendance records this year, but the tens of thousands of pro-life people who braved the cold and snow proudly stood for life.

While marchers mourned 43 years of legalized abortion, many sounded a hopeful theme for a pro-life future and think the decision will eventually be reversed.

The Roe v. Wade decision, handed down on January 22, 1973, overturned pro-life laws offering protection for unborn children in most states across the country, and made abortions legal and virtually unlimited. More than 58 million unborn children have been killed in abortions since.

Polling data shows Americans are pro-life and few agree with Obama’s unlimited abortion position or that of Hillary Clinton.

As with other recent marches, the number of young adults and high school and college students impressed organizers and provided another reason to be optimistic.

He said he expected data for 2015 to show a 5-10 percent increase in the number of deaths.

Gistlite has collected dozens of March for Life pictures from pro-lifers attending the March for Life. Below is a selection of those celebrating life and mourning Roe v. Wade.

Source: Lifenews
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